February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day dear readers! And though I'm not an obsessively pink-candy-heart-rose kind of a person, I do love this day to bits!

Besides spending time with your significant other (If you want to), here's what you can do this V-Day.

1. Take a bunch of roses for an old friend, surprise them!
2. Call up your parents randomly, to wish them and say that you care.
3. Spend time with a group of old friends, something you don't do in your busy life.
4. Bake a batch of cookies for your pet cat or dog. Or feed some stray animals or birds.
5.Feed a hungry child.
6. Water a withering tree or plant.

..and whatever else you can think of, a gesture that shows that you love and care.
If you are alone and have time on your hands, here's what you can do. You can write yourself a love note! Put on your favourite music, get out your craft supplies and old scraps of paper and cloth, and make your own special love letter. 

You can start with 'Dear Beloved' and the like, and write about how much you love yourself, what you love about yourself, and so on :)

This is an exercise we did in class a few days back, it was both a creative and an uplifting experience!
Here's what I made.

Go all out with it, and be as creative as you can!
It will serve as a beautiful reminder of your love, years later.



Keit said...

Oh wow, you made this??? It's beautiful! *_*

Vix said...

Absolutely beautiful! x

Aditi SoSaree said...

The artwork..is soo gorgeous..u r too good shubhi.
n ur pics have come out supercute..!
Happy Valentines day to you.


Unknown said...

Cloth fashion and photographs are really good and the location is fantastic.