October 22, 2016

Cinnamon Girl


Styling, Making, Creative Direction, Photography(Mom helped!) : Shubhi

I'm extremely excited to share this post with you guys, because of the nifty DIY brooches that it sports! I absolutely enjoyed making these glittery felt brooches, and have made tons of them mimicking different quirky things that speak to me!
I plan to pin them on all kinds of clothes, to give them that instant pop uplift!
Anyhoo, outfit details are as follows:
*Denim Jacket-ONLY
*Black stretchy pants- Ginger, I think?
*Shoes (That are undone)- Mochi
*Pop pin-ups, Choker-DIY

Making things gives me immense joy. So does sleeping, sewing, singing, and sipping a quiet cup of tea. And that's just the 's' list.
So here's the battle of my life right now. Making time for these things that give me joy, while turning my head away from numerous kinds of LCD screens that clamor for my attention. I think I'm winning. Putting the phone in another room, face-down, under a large pile of laundry helps. 

You should try it too!

PS: Leave me a comment if you like the look. It makes my day!

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