August 26, 2013

Life Lately

So what am I up to these days? 
Here's what.

I'm busy working and having fun around the clock, and not getting much sleep. I am busy dancing Friday nights and partying the Saturday away. But more importantly, I'm busy exploring creativity. In type design. In illustration. I'm busy exploring different mediums. Acrylic, Pencil, Charcoal, Calligraphy tools. 

I'm thinking in monochrome. I'm dreaming of Didone typefaces. I'm thinking of ideas for picture books, and completing the most enjoyable assignments I have ever done. I'm thinking of how to incorporate fashion elements in design. 

Life's good when you are busy doing something you love.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oooh, so cool! I'm envious, I'd like to hear detailed versions of your stories! ^.^