Necklace-Jugaad-ed :P (Picked it up from last year's college fashion show accessories)
After coming to Design School, my life has changed so much. In so many ways. Sartorially.
Earlier, I had heaps of clothes I wouldn't dream of wearing, out of the picture frame for my blog. But a good part of being in a creative field is that it encourages you to express, in all ways possible. And so all the wacky or trendy street buys or clothes from Forever21 gradually became a part of my regular day wear.
Which is why, blogging about fashion doesn't come naturally to me anymore. Which is not to say that I will stop posting here, at all. But as far as fashion or styling tips go, I would just say, wear what you Feel. Wear what you're comfortable in. Dare yourself. Experiment sometimes.
This blog has become more about theme-based photographs than me or my fashion sense, and in some ways, I am happy about that. I am content to let the trees and the creepers behind me, take center-stage. Because there is nothing as beautiful as them!
I want to move on to more serious photography, which I eventually will as soon as my photography equipment fall into place. And I will of course, keep posting here meanwhile.
Love always.
Photography by Sangeet.